No. However the government has secured funds to have them constructed
There are various co- curricular activities that are organized by the different units of the University. However, the co- curricular activities specifically organized by the Dean of Students are:
- Sports and games which are coordinated by the sports office
- The cultural gala which is coordinated by the Students’ Guild
The Living out Allowance forms have to be filled every semester for accountability purposes. We cannot pay living out allowance based on just numbers. Students must first register with the School Registrar’s office and issued with registration cards as evidence of their status as bonafied students.
Government nonresident student are paid Shs. 398, 500/= per Semester as LOA. Since it is paid every semester, students are required to apply for it every semester. This means that if you do not apply for it, then you do not get it.
No. Students must first register before getting the LOA.