Makerere University Business School

Frequently Asked Questions – School Registrar’s Office

Frequently Asked Questions – School Registrar’s Office2024-12-18T23:03:02+03:00
What are the admission requirements?2024-12-18T21:28:13+03:00

Below are the minimum admission requirements:

  Direct Entry Certificate/Diploma holder scheme.
Certificate programmes Three (3) passes at O’ level
Ordinary Diploma Five (5) passes at O’ Level and One (1) Principal pass and Two (2) Subsidiary passes at A’ level Certificate from recognized institution
Degree Programmes Five (5) passes at O’ Level and Two (2) Principal passes at A’ level –      Diploma from recognized institution

–      level/part two of any relevant professional qualifications

Postgraduate Diploma Degree or its equivalent Appropriate professional qualifications like ACCA, CPA, CIM, ICSA, etc. or its equivalent.
Masters Honors Degree or its equivalent Relevant professional qualifications

Note: Candidates who hold grades X, Y, Z, 7 and 9 of O’ level results are not eligible for admission

What are the registration requirements?2024-12-18T21:26:58+03:00

For registration purposes, first years are required to present the following for semester one:

i)          Original Admission Letter

ii)         Original Birth Certificate

iii)        An identity card from the previous O’ Level and “A” Level Schools. Certificate/Diploma/Degree holders must produce identity cards from their previous Colleges/Institution/University. Identity cards from employers are not accepted for registration purposes.

iv)        Original O-Level Certificate/Pass slip (UCE or Equivalent)

v)         Original A-Level Certificate/ Pass slip (UACE or Equivalent)

vi)        Original Certificate/Transcript of Degree/Diploma/Certificate/Mature Age entry Scheme (where applicable).

vii)       Medical Examination form from the School Health Centre.

viii)      Evidence of payment of 20,000/= for National Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

ix)        Attach copies of pay-in receipts/Deposit slip acknowledging payment of Tuition fees, Registration fees, Examination fees, Medical fee (Treatment), Library fees, Development fees, Research fee, Identity Card, Medical Examination, Guild fee, Rules and Caution, Academic Gown, and Computer fees (as indicated on the statement of fees from the Bursar’s office).

xi)        Two (2) photocopies each of the “O” and ‘A’ Level Results Slips/Certificates, and certified Transcripts/Certificates from the awarding institutions in case of Degree/Diploma/Certificate holders.

xii)       Two (2) photocopies of MUBS Online registration printout (attached is procedure).

xiii)      Two (2) copies of financial statement acknowledging payment of the tuition and functional fees referred to in (ix) above.

xiv)        Two (2)  recent passport size photographs showing the current likeness (head to shoulder).

x          Two copies of filled in registration forms and registration printouts (printed from the education information system). 

Students who do not provide the above evidence will not be registered. Please be informed that non compliance with the registration deadline carries a penalty of shs. 50,000/=

Continuing students are required to register online upon recommendation by Academic Board to proceed to the next semester when examination results are approved and payment of required fees is done.

How do I register online?2024-12-18T21:37:35+03:00

The procedures for online registration and printing of your examination permit as indicated below;

Step 1:  To access the system, log to: using any of the following recommended browsers: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Safari

Step 2:  Login

Step3:   Once you have successfully logged in; under “ENROLLMENT AND REGISTRATION”, then click on the green Registration button from the menu to display semester one course units. Click on the course unit you want to register and Select the registration status Normal paper, then click on ADD COURSE.

Step 4:  If all the course units are fine, under “REGISTRATION” check your Study Year and Current Semester, if they are fine, click on “Register NOW” below the selected course units.

Where do I get my admission letter?2024-12-18T21:22:07+03:00

Admission letters can be collected from your respective Faculty (The School Registrar can guide you in which Faculty you belong to

Can I be admitted in the current academic year and report in the next academic year?2024-12-18T21:21:15+03:00

For a candidate to qualify to be a recognized student of the School he/she must be registered.  Registration is an obligatory prerequisite of the School, which must be done within the first three (3) weeks from the beginning of the semester by every student.

Any student in the First Year of studies, who, for some reason is unable to register or take up his/her place in the School by the end of the registration period, is advised to re-apply for admission the following academic year by following the same application procedures. Please note that you need to re-apply for admission and compete afresh with the applicants for the following academic year.

What is the procedure to change a programme?2024-12-18T21:20:12+03:00

A student may be permitted to change from one Academic Programme to another on condition that:

  1. He/she had satisfied the admission requirements for the Academic Programme applied for.
  2. He/she should not have been attending lectures/tutorials and other academic activities of the Academic Programme he/she would want to change from for more than one-half of the duration of the programme.
  • He/she had not been previously dismissed on disciplinary grounds from the University.

A student permitted to change his/her Programme may be allowed to transfer the Credits from the previous Academic Programme        to the new Academic Programme, provided that the Credits being transferred are relevant to the new Academic Programme.

What is the policy for withdraw and under what circumstances can one withdraw?2024-12-18T21:18:40+03:00
  • A student can apply to his/her respective Board for permission to withdraw from studies at any time of the Semester.
  • A student will be allowed only a maximum of two withdrawals in an Academic Programme and each withdrawal shall be a maximum of one academic year only.

Circumstances can be medical, social and financial

What are the requirements to do exams?2024-12-18T21:15:49+03:00
  • A student is expected to have registered with the School/University and obtained an examination permit indicating the courses that he or she has been allowed to do in a semester.
  • A student who does not pay all the required fees will not be permitted to sit the examinations
  • The examination results of any student who has sat the examinations without being registered or authority shall be nullified.
What Identification is required during examinations?2024-12-18T21:14:49+03:00
  • Students must produce their student identification card and examination permit. Where the identification provided is not clear, additional forms of identity verification may be requested.
  • A student wearing clothing that obscures their face may be asked to remove that clothing for identification purposes in private and before an examination supervisor for the same gender.

A student who fails to comply with a request above may be refused admission to the examination room

But I have a holy day in the middle of the exam period! What can I do?2024-12-18T21:10:38+03:00

This is a secular institution. It is the official policy of the School that all days in a week are considered working days. Staff and students are expected to conduct or attend lectures and examinations at scheduled times and days.

Requests to accommodate a student’s religious creed by scheduling tests or examinations at alternative times shall not be entertained. You are therefore urged to respond to academic work in the Faculty/School even if it takes place on the respective days of worship.

What is Certificate of Due Performance?2024-12-18T21:09:22+03:00
  • A student who fails to honour the deadline set for handing in an assignment without justifiable causes(s) shall receive a  score of a  zero or fail grade  in that assignment.
  • A student who does not have coursework marks shall be denied Certificate of Due Performance and will not be allowed to sit the University Examinations.

It is therefore important that you attend all prescribed lectures, classes and seminars and submit coursework assignments on time as scheduled.

What is a GPA?2024-12-18T21:07:17+03:00

Grade Point Average (GPA) is obtained by dividing the total weighted score (calculated by multiplying the grade point you have got in each course by the Credit Units assigned to the course) by the total number of credit units in a semester

What do the marks mean?2024-12-18T21:05:48+03:00

The overall marks a candidate obtains in each Course he/she offered shall be graded out of a maximum of One Hundred (100) Marks and assigned appropriate Letter Grades and Grade Points as follows: –

Marks (%)      Letter Grade point  Interpretation
90 – 100 A+ 5.0 Exceptional
80 – 89 A 5.0 Excellent
75 – 79 B+ 4.5 Very Good
70 – 74 B 4.0 Good
65 – 69 C+ 3.5 Fairly Good
60 – 64 C 3.0 Fair
55 – 59 D+ 2.5 Pass
50 – 54 D  2.0 Marginal Pass
45 – 49 E 1.5 Marginal Fail
40 – 44 E 1.0 Clear Fail
Below 40 F 0 Bad Fail
I am in second year now and got my backlog letter late and have been studying with the second years. What do I do?2024-12-18T20:46:34+03:00

Go to your Faculty Dean for advice.

What do I do to with draw from the University?2024-12-18T20:45:44+03:00

Submit your request to withdraw to your respective Faculty Dean which will be considered by the Faculty Board and you will receive a written communication allowing you to withdraw from the University.

Can I withdraw for only one semester?2024-12-18T20:44:08+03:00

No you can not since the School is currently not running both semesters one and two concurrently

Can I withdraw from a semester that I have studied or paid for?2024-12-18T20:42:45+03:00

Yes you can if the Faculty Board has considered your request and found your reasons to be valid

If I failed to get money when I had registered and sat for exams in first year and I stayed at home. I now have a sponsor willing to pay for me so I want to come and complete my studies after two years.2024-12-18T20:40:24+03:00

Go to the Faculty and request for permission to withdraw from the University for the period you are not able to study and permission to resume studies the year you will be able to commence. This is as long as you registered and sat first year examinations.

Can someone register on my behalf and pick my examination and registration cards?2024-12-18T20:38:39+03:00

No. You have to register, sign the Register and pick your proof for registration (identity card, examination permit) in person.

How is Cumulative Grade Point Average calculated?2024-12-18T20:08:34+03:00

The Cumulative Grade Point Average at a given time shall be obtained by:

  • Multiplying the grade point obtained in each Course by the Credit Units assigned to the Course to arrive at the Weighted Score for the Course.
  • Adding together the Weighted Scores for all the Courses taken up to that time.
  • Dividing the Total Weighted Score by the total number of Credit Units taken up to that time.
If my CGPA is low, what can I do to raise it?2024-12-18T20:07:43+03:00

You may consider retaking some of the courses that you did not pass highly especially those with the highest credit unit

What is a pre- requisite course?2024-12-18T20:06:49+03:00

A Pre-requisite is a condition (either Course or Classification), which has to be satisfied prior to enrolling for the Course in question. A Pre-requisite Course, therefore, shall be a Course offered in preparation for a higher level Course in the same area of study.

When a student fails a pre-requisite course, he/she shall not be allowed to take the higher level course requiring a pre-requisite. A student will be to retake the failed pre-requisite course before embarking on a higher – level course requiring a pre-requisite.

Can I sit for Accounting II if I have not passed Accounting I?2024-12-18T20:05:27+03:00

No you can not. Accounting I is a pre-requisite course, which you have to pass before doing Accounting II

What is a course?2024-12-18T20:04:25+03:00

A Course is a unit of work in a particular Field / Area of study normally extending through one semester the completion of which normally carries credit towards the fulfillment of the requirements of certain Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates.

What is a contact hour?2024-12-18T20:03:16+03:00

A contact hour shall be the equivalent to One (1) hour of Lecture/Clinical or Two (2) hours of Tutorial/ Practical or four (4) hours of internship / Field work.

What is a credit or credit unit?2024-12-18T20:02:35+03:00

A credit or Credit Unit is the measure used to reflect the relative weight of a given course towards the fulfillment of appropriate Degree, Diploma, Certificate or other programmes required. One credit unit shall be one contact hour per week per Semester or a series of fifteen (15) Contact Hours. 

What is a core course?2024-12-18T20:01:41+03:00

A Core Course shall be a course which is essential to an Academic Programme and gives the Academic Programme its unique features. Everyone offering that particular Academic Programme must pass that Course. 

What is retaking a course or courses?2024-12-18T19:59:10+03:00
  1. i) A student shall retake a Course or Courses when next offered again in order to obtain at least the pass mark (50% for undergraduates and 60% for postgraduates) if he/she had failed during the first assessment in the Course or courses.
  2. ii) A student who has failed to obtain at least the Pass mark (50% for undergraduates and 60% for postgraduates) during the second assessment in the same course(s) he / she has retaken shall receive a warning.

iii)      A student who misses to sit examinations for justified reasons and he/she is permitted to do the missed examination, the grades obtained from a deferred examination shall not be categorized as retake because the assessment(s) is for the first time.

  1. iv) While retaking a Course (s), a student shall:-
  2. Attend all prescribed lectures /tutorials/Practicals/Field work in the course or courses;
  3. Satisfy all the requirements for the Course work Component in the course or courses; and
  4. Sit for the School Examinations in the course or courses
  5. v) A student shall not be allowed to accumulate more than (5) Retake Courses at a time. Students are required to register for retake course(s) first before registering for new courses offered in that semester and the retake courses should fit into the approved normal load to avoid time table clashes.
  6. vi) A final year student whose final Examination Results have already been classified by the School and has qualified for the Award of Diploma/ Certificate, shall not be permitted to retake any Course(s).

vii)     When a student has retaken a course the better of the two grades he/she has obtained in that course shall be used in the computation of his/her Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). When a course or courses has/have been retaken, the Academic Transcript shall indicate so accordingly.

viii)    Students who have a Course (s) to retake and these course(s) fall beyond the set normal semester load for the Academic Programmes shall pay tuition fees for any Course/Courses to be retaken. Besides, such students also pay the re-examination fees per course retaken as well as registration fees.

Pass mark and earning of credits in a course2024-12-18T19:58:05+03:00

Each student shall earn Credits for all the Courses specified in the Programme Load for Graduation. A Credit shall be earned when a student has obtained at least the Undergraduate Programmes Pass Mark (50%) in each Course he/she had been assessed in. In other words, NO Credit shall be earned in a Course in which a student has failed the Assessment. If you have achieved 50% in a course you will not be asked to retake that course.

A Credit shall be earned when a student has obtained at least the Postgraduate Programmes Pass Mark (60%) in each Course he/she had been assessed in.

What is Normal Progress?2024-12-18T19:56:10+03:00

Normal Progress shall occur when a student has passed all the courses he/she registered for in a particular Semester and obtained the CGPA of 2.0 or above. This occurs when a student passes each course taken with a minimum grade point of 2.0.for undergraduates and 3.0 for postgraduates. 

What is Probationary Progress?2024-12-18T19:55:06+03:00
  1. i) Probation based on the CGPA:

A student will be placed on probation when she/he obtains a CGPA of less than 2.0 for undergraduates and less than 3.0 for postgraduates.

  1. ii) Probation on Failing a Core Course:

A student who fails a Core Course shall be placed on Probation. 

When is a student discontinued?2024-12-18T19:52:34+03:00
  1. i) When a student accumulates three consecutive probations based on CGPA he/she shall be discontinued.
  2. ii) A student who has failed to obtain at least the pass mark (50% for undergraduates and 60% for postgraduates) during the third assessment in the same course or courses he/ she had retaken shall be discontinued from his/her studies at the school.

iii) A student who has overstayed in an academic programme by more than two years (2) shall be discontinued from his/her studies at the school 

When is a student dismissed?2024-12-18T19:51:42+03:00
  1. When a student involves himself or herself in indiscriminate hooliganism.
  2. When it is proved that a student has been involved in an examination malpractice.
How are courses assessed?2024-12-18T19:50:35+03:00

Each course is assessed in two parts as follows:

–        The Coursework (progressive/continuous assessment), which shall contribute not less than 30% nor more than 40% of the total marks.

–        The coursework (progressive/continuous assessment)compenet shall consist of at  least One (1) tests and One (1) Homework/Take-Home assignment or Two (2) tests per course.

–        The University Examination, which shall contribute a maximum of 70% of the total marks.

How can I get my testimonial?2024-12-18T19:49:32+03:00

Testimonials can be obtained from your Faculty/Department on request

Where do I find the study timetable?2024-12-18T19:48:37+03:00

On the notice boards, on your MUBS email account, in your Department, at the photocopiers and the School Registrar’s office

What is a conceded pass?2024-12-18T19:38:47+03:00

A “Conceded Pass” is a pass granted for a course in which a final year candidate is within five marks of a pass mark (45-49% for undergraduate students and 55-59% for postgraduate students) in the course assessment.

A conceded pass may only be awarded of a student who has attempted the paper at least three times. The better of the grades earned will be used for awarding the conceded pass

The conceded pass is granted to a student only once and in only one course out of the total programme load.

Only candidates in their final year of studies are eligible for a conceded pass 

What is the procedure of getting a conceded pass and what is its implication?2024-12-18T19:37:38+03:00

The Conceded Passes are granted at the discretion of the Faculty Board of Examiners. Students are not automatically entitled to the Conceded Passes and may not request them.

The Board of Examiners shall during the time of consideration of examination results, identify and grant students eligible for Conceded Passes. A Student will then be formally informed that he/she has been offered a Conceded Pass. 

What is a backlog, under what circumstances does one get a backlog?2024-12-18T19:36:17+03:00

his is when a student has accumulated:

  1. More than five courses to retake
  2. Two consecutive Cumulative Grade Point Averages (CGPA) below 2.00 for undergraduates and 3.00 for postgraduates
What is the duration to complete the programme?2024-12-18T19:34:56+03:00

Undergraduate degree programmes a maximum of seven years

Masters programmes a maximum of five years

Ordinary Diploma programmes a maximum of five years

Certificate programmes a maximum of three years

How many Faculties are in MUBS?2024-12-18T19:26:06+03:00
In case I lose my results, where do I go?2024-12-18T19:22:03+03:00

To your Faculty Dean

Where do I go for help?2024-12-18T19:19:46+03:00

If it’s an academic matter, the first contact person is the Dean of your Faculty or Head of your Department and if it is a welfare matter the contact person of  the Dean of Students.

Where do I get my transcript?2024-12-18T19:18:33+03:00

The Post Graduate Diplomas, Diploma and Certificate Transcripts are awarded by Makerere University Business School and the School Registrar issues the transcript.

The Bachelors and Masters Transcripts are issued by the Academic Registrar, Makerere University

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