University Rules and Penalties on the Examination Malpractices and Irregularities, for your information. You are advised to desist from committing the offences mentioned therein. The table below is an extract of some of the offences commonly committed.
Rule 1 | It shall be an offence for a student/candidate to avail to another student his/her prepared coursework with a view of assisting the latter to do his/her coursework or to negligently expose his/her coursework to another student to use” |
Rule 2 | It shall be an offence for a student/candidate to submit course work not prepared by him/her or substantially plagiarise the work of any other person or solicit/purchase any coursework from any other person or falsify/alter marks awarded on a coursework script |
Rule 3(a) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to sit or attempt to sit the examination without valid documentation” |
Rule 3(b) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to enter the examination room/hall later than half an hour after the examination/test has commenced” |
Rule 3(c) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to leave the examination room/hall earlier than half an hour after the examination/test commenced except in emergencies with the express permission of the Invigilator” |
Rule 3(d) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to carry out a conversation or any other communication with another student/candidate once the examination has commenced” |
Rule 3(e) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to indulge in any disruptive conduct including, but not limited to, shouting, assault of another student/candidate, using abusive and/or threatening language, destruction of university property of another student/candidate”. |
Rule 3(f) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to take out of the examination room answer booklet(s), used or unused’’ |
Rule 3(g) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to neglect, omit or in any other way fail to follow lawful instructions or orders issued by the Invigilator’’ |
Rule 3(h) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to physically assault or insult an Invigilator or any University Official involved in the conduct of the examination”. |
Rule 4(a) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to take into the examination room/hall, in person or by agent, unauthorized materials including but not limited to, plain papers, condensed/summarized notes, books and handkerchiefs on which information is written or information written on any part of the body, recording apparatus, mobile phones or any unauthorized electronic equipment” |
Rule 4(b) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to copy from any other student/candidate” |
Rule 4(c) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to involve oneself in plagiarism, that is: (i) Pass off the words or ideas of someone else as his/her own without proper acknowledgement or crediting the original source.(ii) Replicate one’s own work which one has presented elsewhere for assessment” |
Rule 4(d) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to aid and/or abet another student/candidate to copy from a script/book of another student” |
Rule 4(e) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to exchange answers with another candidate/student in or outside the examination room” |
Rule 5(a) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to import into the examination room/hall, in person or by an agent, a pre-prepared answer script/booklet” |
Rule 5(b) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to substitute an answer script/booklet prepared outside the examination room/hall for the one already submitted to the Invigilator/Examiner” |
Rule 5(d) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to impersonate another student and sit for him/her the examination” |
Rule 5(e) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to procure or induce another person to sit for him/her” |
Rule 5(f) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to utter false documents in relation to eligibility to sit University examinations, including but not limited to; examination permit, financial statement, bank slip, and registration card” |
Rule 5(g) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to sit an examination without authority”. |
Rule 5(j) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to fraudulently access examination questions before the examination is due”. |
Rule 5(l) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to pay or procure a staff or non-member of staff to alter examination results”. |
Rule 5(m) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to write false information on the answer booklet with the intention to hide his/her identity” |
Rule 5(n) | “It shall be an offence for any student/candidate involved in an examination to smuggle or attempt to smuggle examination booklet out of the examination venue having signed the register and later claiming that his/her marks are missing’’ |
Rule 6A | “It shall be an offence for a student/candidate involved in an examination to bring within the precincts of the examination room any firearm or potentially dangerous weapon” |
Please note that:
1. The Penalties of committing the Examination Malpractices range from Caution to Cancellation of the relevant examination(s), Suspension from the University and Dismissal from the University. A Government sponsored student found guilty is liable to cancellation of the sponsorship.
2. Bags, mobile phones, smart watches, books and plain papers are considered as unauthorized materials and therefore are not allowed into the examination rooms. It is advisable that bags, mobile phones, smart watches, books and plain papers are either left at home or kept by the student in a secure place away from the examination room during the coursework tests and final examinations.